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Alloyed Machine Block

Multiple machines can craft | Alloyed Machine Block!

Icon Name
Alloyed Machine Block Assembler
Icon Name
Precision Alloyed Machine Block Assembler

Crafting Materials

Icon Craft Cost Name Craft Cost Amount
Gold Foil 5
Hardened Machine Block 24

Resource Level: Greg

Total Base Resources (Automation Setup) Producing (64) Units

Icon Craft Cost Name Craft Cost Amount
Gold Ore 15,360
Nickel Ore 15,360
Titanium Ore 18,432
Icon Craft Cost Name Craft Cost Amount
Gold Bar 960
Nickel Bar 960
Titanium Bar 1,152

Total Intermediate (Automation Setup) Producing (64) Units

Icon Craft Cost Name Craft Cost Amount
Fortified PCB 960 Each - 960 Total
Gold Foil 192 Each - 192 Total
Titanium Housing 192 Each - 192 Total

Total Machines For Automation (6) - Beta

Icon Name Count PPS PTS PS Time
Precision Alloyed Machine Block Assembler 3 15 25 500 32s
Gold Foil Crafter 1 0 0 0 30s
Secondary Upgrade Module Crafter 1 150 500 1.3k 10s
Titanium Housing Crafter 1 25 250 250 30s
4 Power / Time Resources 6 190 775 2k 1H 48m 48s