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Induction Charger

Multi Part Machine Parts (1)

Icon Craft Cost Name
Induction Charger

Resource Level: Greg

Total Base Resources (Automation Setup) Producing (25) Units

Icon Craft Cost Name Craft Cost Amount
Copper Ore 2,125 Each - 53,125 Total
Tin Ore 4,250 Each - 106,250 Total
Lithium Ore 2,500 Each - 62,500 Total
Icon Craft Cost Name Craft Cost Amount
Copper Bar 85 Each - 2,125 Total
Tin Bar 170 Each - 4,250 Total
Lithium Bar 100 Each - 2,500 Total

Total Intermediate (Automation Setup) Producing (25) Units

Icon Craft Cost Name Craft Cost Amount
Lightweight Machine Housing 20 Each - 500 Total
MK1 Power Booster 5 Each - 125 Total
MK2 Power Booster 5 Each - 125 Total
Power Storage Block 20 Each - 500 Total
Power Storage MK2 5 Each - 125 Total
Primary PCB 50 Each - 1,250 Total
Charged Lithium Coils 20 Each - 500 Total

Total Machines For Automation (26) - Beta

Icon Name Count PPS PTS PS Time
MK1 PowerCore Charger 1 100 1,000 1,000 5s
MK2 PowerCore Charger 1 250 1,000 1,000 5s
Primary Upgrade Module Crafter 1 5 100 50 10s
Lithium Coil Charger 1 3 100 100 30s
Coiler Plant 3 0 0 0 10s
Extrusion Plant 4 0 0 0 10s
Manufacturing Plant 7 32 32 32 10s
PCB Assembling Plant 1 0 0 0 10s
Basic Ore Smelter 5 1 0 128 8s
Stamper Plant 1 0 0 0 10s
Lightweight Machine Housing Crafter 1 0 0 0 30s
11 Power / Time Resources 26 9.8k 55.8k 57.8k 57m 18s

Scans Required (5) | Total Given Research Points (37)

Icon Name RP
Copper Ore 15
Icon Name RP
Tin Ore 10
Icon Name RP
Lithium Ore 12
Icon Name RP
Power Storage MK2 0
Icon Name RP
MK2 PowerCore Charger 0

Research Required (4) | Required Research Points (27)

Icon Name RP
Upgraded Power Grid 12
Icon Name RP
Assembly Line Machines 5
Icon Name RP
Basic Mining Upgrades I 5
Icon Name RP
Power Grid 5

Machines/Items Required (9) | Required Research Points (25)


Icon Name RP
Lightweight Machine Housing Crafter 3
Icon Name RP
Manufacturing Plant 4
Icon Name RP
MK1 PowerCore Charger 2
Icon Name RP
MK2 PowerCore Charger 2
Icon Name RP
Power Storage Block 2
Icon Name RP
Power Storage MK2 4
Icon Name RP
Lithium Coil Charger 2


Icon Name RP
MK2 Power Booster 4
Icon Name RP
Primary Upgrade Module 2