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Laboratory Component

Machine Details

Crafted Block Name Laboratory Component
Cube Type 600
Cube Value 4
GUI Texture Index 267
Top Texture 195
Side Texture 195
Bottom Texture 195
Category Machine
Performs automated experiments. Place in a 3x3x3 cube to create a Laboratory.(Needs 27 in total)

Production Chain

Multi Part Machine Parts (1)

Icon Craft Cost Name
Laboratory Component

Resource Level: Greg

Total Base Resources (Automation Setup) Producing (27) Units

Icon Craft Cost Name Craft Cost Amount
Copper Ore 1,025 Each - 9,225 Total
Icon Craft Cost Name Craft Cost Amount
Copper Bar 41 Each - 369 Total

Total Intermediate (Automation Setup) Producing (27) Units

Icon Craft Cost Name Craft Cost Amount
Basic Experimental Pod 5 Each - 45 Total
Basic PCB 11 Each - 99 Total

Total Machines For Automation (14) - Beta

Icon Name Count PPS PTS PS Time
Coiler Plant 2 0 0 0 10s
Extrusion Plant 2 0 0 0 10s
Manufacturing Plant 2 32 32 32 10s
PCB Assembling Plant 2 0 0 0 10s
Research Assembler 2 0 0 0 10s
Basic Ore Smelter 3 1 0 128 8s
Stamper Plant 1 0 0 0 10s
7 Power / Time Resources 14 293 288 1.4k 30m 23s

Scans Required (1) | Total Given Research Points (15)

Icon Name RP
Copper Ore 15

Research Required (3) | Required Research Points (20)

Icon Name RP
Laboratories 10
Icon Name RP
Assembly Line Machines 5
Icon Name RP
Basic Mining Upgrades I 5

Machines/Items Required (5) | Required Research Points (46)


Icon Name RP
Basic Experimental Pod 10


Icon Name RP
Basic PCB 10
Icon Name RP
Copper Plate 8


Icon Name RP
Manufacturing Plant 10
Icon Name RP
Research Assembler 8