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Handbook Entry

Language - English

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Energy Grommet

Energy Grommets are the neatest way of getting power into and out of Rooms. They can only connect to single-block PSBs and single-block generators.

One of the machines involved needs to be a PSB. If you use a pair of PSBs, one either side, then they will balance charge between them.

If you wish to Diode the power, then use a PSB one one side, and an LPT on the other. This will force the power to flow in the direction you choose.

You can also use single-block Generators to transfer the power into a PSB on the other side. This includes Solar Panels and PTGs.

You cannot fire an LPT into a Grommet. A target PSB will give the setup required here. Converting an existing power setup into a Grommet/Room setup only ever requires 1 extra PSB.