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Handbook Entry

Language - English

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Basic Laser Energy Transmitter

As the cheapest and most basic of power transmission devices this transmitter is unsuitable for any task and should only be used when it is left as the only option remaining.

The basic laser energy transmitter can only transmit enough power to run two un-upgraded ore extractors. Because of its extraordinarily low transmitting speed, upgrading to a more advanced transmitting option is advised once one has been discovered.

To open the control panel for the LET press the 'Interact' key (default 'E'). This allows you to upgrade the lens which will boost power transfer. You can also switch the firing mode so that it will wait for a full battery before sending power. LETs have a small internal capacity, consider complementing them with Power Storage Blocks to ensure a reliable supply of power as supply and demand vary.

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Power Packet Size:1.75
Maximum Packet Rate:1 per second
Max. Power Transfer Rate:0.9 per second
Power Capacity:18
Maximum Range:64m