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Handbook Entry

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Cyberdyne Garbage Thief (tm)

The Cyberdyne Garbage Thief (or Rubbish Thief as some call it) is simply and Ore Thief with reconfigured to remove garbage in the inventory instead of ore. This machine when used in conjunction with multiple Construction Paste Grinders can rapidly remove and process garbage into construction paste freeing up inventory in the process. For optimal performance replace the floor of a frequented hallway with this machine and an appropriate output handling system.

Simply build our brand-new Garbage Thief (tm) in a 3x3 layout and supply with a mere 5 power per Block, then just stand on it and let IT do the hard work for you!


Garbage Collection Speed:Upto 3,300/minute!
Internal Storage:100 units of Garbage!
Power Usage:Only 5 power per Garbage!