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Handbook Entry

Language - English

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Manufacturing Plant

The manufacturing plant can be used to create most of the machines and items you will require to survive on this planet. Some items will require specialised assembly machines, this will be listed in the handbook entry for the item. To open the manufacturing interface press the 'Interact' key (default 'E'). You can also self craft a limited number of items at any time using your suit and build tool by opening the self crafting interface (default 'C').

Manufacturing Interface

The manufacturing interface is split into four component parts. These are from left to right: The list of available blueprints, selected item information, resource requirements, and below these automation.

The tabs along the top of the blueprints window allow you to filter by type, e.g. power, automation & suit upgrades. At the bottom of this window you can filter to only those you have the materials to produce, and below that a custom filter can be entered.

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When a blueprint is selected information about it and its components will be displayed. If you have the materials required you can manufacture one item by pressing the 'Craft' button, or 25 at a time by holding down the 'Control' key and pressing the "Craft" button. Contextual help is available for the selected item by pressing the help key (default 'H').


Crafting items manually at the manufacturing plant does not require any energy and is almost instantaneous because it interfaces with your suit & build tool to perform the work. If you would like to continuously manufacture an item while you are away this can be done using just the facilities within the manufacturing plant but at the cost of both time and energy. Select the item to manufacture, enter the number of items required, or select 'Repeat' to continue forever, and press the Automate button. The materials needed must be in a adjacent storage hopper with I/O permissions set to either 'Add/Remove' or 'Remove only' (recommended), the manufactured items will also be placed into a storage hopper, which should have I/O status of 'Add Only'.

Automation can be switched to another item, or cancelled entirely by clicking on the progress icon. In both cases the plant will finish manufacturing the item it is currently working on first.

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Some blueprints may require an additional module to be attached to the manufacturing plant (Such as the Hydrojet Cutter). This will be listed in the handbook entry for the item.