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Handbook Entry

Language - English

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Chargeable Explosive

Chargable bomb with increased radius depending on charge level. This explosive can be charged using an adjacent Power Storage Block, Power Generator or via a Laser Energy Transmitter. It will maintain its charge while it is carried to an alternative location at which point it can be detonated using the alternate interact key (default 'Shift+E').

Every time the power stored multiplies by 10, the charge level will increase by 1!

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Tips and Tricks!

- This machine needs increasing amounts of power!

- Level 1 = 100 energy.

- Level 2 = 1000 energy.

- Level 3 = 10 000 energy.

- Level 4 = 100 000 energy.

- Level 5 = 1 000 000 energy.

- Level 6 = 10 000 000 energy.

- Intermediate levels of energy give no extra blast radius!

- Reaching level 6 with the current energy production implemented will already be a challenge!


Has a very shot fuse! Blowing up your base by accident is a thing!